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Primary School

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Worship Curriculum

Collective Worship

As a Church of England school, collective worship is the beating heart of our school life. It brings and gives life to all we do. Collective worship is a sacred and significant time of each school day, where we gather together as a school family. Collective worship strengthens and supports the Christian identity of our school, reaffirms our vision and associated values of (love, hope, honesty, forgiveness, respect perseverance) and celebrates the central role that each pupil and adult have to play in our community. Our acts of collective worship reflect the variety of traditions found in the Church of England and recognise and follow the Christian liturgical year. The daily Christian act of worship is central to our ethos and is supported by all staff and governors. It makes an important contribution to the overall spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of the whole school community.


We follow the Canterbury Diocese' three year plan which follows the Liturgical calendar, as well as linking to key themes and topics in the Old and New Testament. We will also add our own special days or weeks into the yearly calendar to reflect other areas of the curriculum that we cover (e.g. Anti-bullying Day / Safer Internet Day). Each teacher leads acts of worship through the week, with the local incumbent visiting us fortnightly.


Collective Worship Policy


Spirituality at Fordcombe

We use our Acts of Worship to explore our own spirituality, with the adults modelling and encouraging the children to consider windows ('Wow' moments and 'Ow' moments when their beliefs have been challenged), mirrors (the chance to reflect about issues and concepts) and doors (the opportunity to do something creative to express their opinions or beliefs).


Spirituality Policy
