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Church of England

Primary School

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Humanities and Religious Education


We teach Geography and History as discrete subjects, working from the Early Years to build pupils knowledge and the skills they need to access and answer historical and geographical questions of increasing complexity as they rise through the school. We believe the humanities are important because is helps young learners to:

  • understand concepts related to human culture such as time, space and belief in how human beings can understand themselves and their relationship with the natural world, places and with each other;
  • develop skills and habits associated with critical thinking such as assessing and interpreting information
  • explore their own identities, values and beliefs, enabling them to be interested in those of other peoples
  • learn to understand, and empathise with people who are different, as well as those who are similar, challenging stereotypes and becoming more humane and compassionate individuals.’

We follow the KAPOW curriculum through the Early Years and Key Stage 1, before embarking on the Opening Worlds curriculum in Key Stage 2.


Religious Education

Religious Education is an important part of developing children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Our curriculum aims to equip pupils with the knowledge, experiences, understanding and attitudes which will allow them to be part of a multi-faith society, having a positive sense of self and others. We aim to ensure the pupils that leave Fordcombe are respectful and curious about the world around them, gaining an understanding of what people believe and the difference this makes to the way they live. We work with the children to enable them to express their own ideas, ask questions, reflect on their own beliefs and respond to what they discover.


Collective Worship Policy


Spirituality Policy



Curriculum details


>Religious Education




