We want all children to leave us as confident enthusiastic mathematicians who enjoy number and value and understand its importance in the real world, in Science and in Computing.
When life allows we invite A-level students in to share their passion and excitement for maths to help inspire our budding mathematicians. |
Many parents question their own maths ability - at Fordcombe, help is at hand. The maths lead runs specially designed training for parents of KS1 and KS2 children every year, taking them through the teaching methods we use and offering tips on how to support their children with their learning. These are well attended and critically acclaimed! See also the Maths at Home - Times Table games and strategies.
Extending learning
Pupils in Key Stage 2 have access to Mathletics software designed to support and enhance the acquisition of maths skills at school and beyond.
Times tables
We are currently working with a renowned times tables expert to develop our teaching and learning of times tables, to ensure every child leaves the school with rapid recall of times tables facts and the ability to apply them to real life maths situations.
Fordcombe's science provision affords pupils a gateway into appreciating the exciting aspects of viewing our world through the filter of science. We work to ensure our pupils understand the world around them (and our responsibilities therein), to the chemistry that underpins everything and how to comprehend the scientific principles behind what makes our world work in the way it does.
Technology is a very important aspect of our daily lives. Teachers at Fordcombe recognise that it is important in today’s world that pupils should have a good knowledge and understanding of technology and how it can be used. Our teaching aims to develop pupils’ skills in using hardware and software, to develop their ability to use technology to support their use of language and communication, and to increase pupils’ awareness of the advantages and limitations of different forms of technology.
Our aims at Fordcombe for Computing are:
Looking forward
Computing is constantly changing and, through review and analysis, we aim to keep our curriculum relevant and exciting for pupils. We have recently upgraded all the software and hardware in our IT Suite thanks to the generous work of the Fordcombe Parents Guild and the Fordcombe Governors.