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Pupil Premium and SEND

SEND at Fordcombe School

At Fordcombe we have a fully inclusive approach to education. We do everything in our power to make sure that all children have their educational and other relevant needs met. We employ “quality first” teaching in the classroom, supplemented by targeted interventions to ensure that every child reaches their true potential.  Progress is monitored regularly at Pupil Progress meetings where progress and provision are discussed by class teachers, senior staff (head and/or deputy) and the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator, Mr Chris Blackburn. Adjustments to provision are made regularly (6 times per year minimum, but often more frequently).


School staff are well trained, and experienced in supporting children with a range of needs, and a number of effective and proven interventions are employed.  We have a learning mentor who supports children with pastoral needs, and a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) that has extensive experience in a variety of settings.


It is very important to us that parents/carers are involved in their children’s education. Parents/carers can contact the SENCo, Mr Blackburn,  directly by email :, or make an appointment via the school office should they wish to discuss SEND provision in general, or where it specifically applies to their child.      


If you would like to find out more about the steps we take to ensure that pupils with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities are treated fairly and with respect and care, please refer to our Local Offer, SEND Policy and Accessibility Plan, or contact The SENCo (see above).   


Find out more about the aims of Kent's SEND strategy, or about their SEND information hub

What is the Pupil Premium?
The pupil premium is a grant given by the government to schools in England to decrease the attainment gap for the most disadvantaged children, whether by income or by family upheaval. For each pupil who is eligible for free school meals, or has claimed free school meals in the last six years, their school receives £1,455.


Below is the plan for how we will spend these monies at Fordcombe over the next financial year, and also an assessment of the successes of our plan for last year.
