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Snacks, school lunches and school milk (we are a nut free school)

Snacks ( Nut Free)
Our basic guidance for the sort of things you can give your children for a snack during the school day is as follows: if it can be picked from a tree or bush, or comes from the ground then it is the sort of snack the school permits. 

We do not allow fizzy drinks, chocolate or sweets to be consumed over the course of the day.

School lunches (Nut Free)
Our school lunches are provided by Bennett Memorial Diocesan School. The meals are delivered to Fordcombe each day and served by our own mid-day supervisors (please see sample menu below).

  • Meals are paid for through Arbor – it is parents/guardians responsibility to ensure there are sufficient funds in their Arbor account to pay for their child’s/children’s meals at all times.
  • New starters will receive log in details at the start of Term 1.
  • The daily menu is available on the school website –
  • The class teachers will take each pupil’s menu choice at morning registration and these meal choices will be phoned through to Bennett by 9.30am. There are three choices; a main, a vegetarian main and a jacket potato with a choice of fillings. Sides and desserts are also served.
  • All menus are subject to availability.
  • Where Bennett’s Inset days do not coincide with Fordcombe’s days, parents will need to provide a packed lunch – Fordcombe School will inform parents when this occurs.
  • The meal price is £2.95 per day.
  • Dietary meals can be provided for children with allergies and food intolerances. Please ensure that the school are aware of any allergies or intolerances. Dietary preferences unfortunately cannot be catered for.


Free School Meals

If you are on a low income you may be entitled to Free School Meals. For more information and details on how to apply please visit the Kent County Council Free School Meals pages (please also see details below).

Packed lunches (Nut Free)

The school does not allow fizzy drinks, chocolate or sweets to be included in packed lunches or to be consumed as snacks over the course of the day. KS2 pupils are encouraged to bring fruit or vegetables as snacks KS1 pupils participate in a free fruit and vegetable scheme and the low cost “Cool Milk” scheme. 


Our school milk scheme

By registering your child for our school milk scheme they will receive a 189ml (third of a pint) carton of semi-skimmed milk every day. This is delivered fresh and chilled to their classroom every day.


“How much does it cost?”

Thanks to government subsidies, school milk is free for all under-fives and is subsided at around £15 a term for children aged five or older.


“Why should I register my child?”
School milk provides your child with essential nutrients such as calcium and protein, for strong, healthy teeth and bones. It is also rehydrating and energy boosting, helping to bridge the long gap between breakfast and lunch so children stay focused.


“How do I register my child?”

If your child is under five-

  1. Go to or pick up a form from school.
  2. Just register by a Tuesday for your child’s free milk to start the following week.
  1. Free milk will continue until the Friday before your child’s fifth birthday. You will receive a payment request three weeks before this time- if you wish for your child to continue to receive school milk simply make a payment.


If your child is over five-

  1. Go to or pick up a form from school.
  2. Pay Cool Milk online, over the phone, at a local PayPoint or by cheque in instalments to suit you.  If registering online you can pay straight away, if using a registration form you will need to wait to receive a payment request.
  3. Just pay by a Tuesday for your child’s milk to start the following week.


“How do I find out more?”

Visit or contact Cool Milk directly on 0800 321 3248.
